Friday, March 19, 2010

Homemade Strawberry Applesauce

I know it's been a while. I moved and have been QUITE busy. I'm going to start posting a lot more.....I have to remember to take pictures while I'm working on stuff (and I had to find a way to get the pics off the camera).

Now I know some of you are thinking, "Why would I want to make applesauce?" Well not only is it tasty and delicious but it MUCH better than anything that you can buy in the store. I personally like applesauce that contains other fruit like raspberries, strawberries, blackberries....etc (you get the idea).

For the purposes of this post I am making strawberry applesauce but you can put in whatever fruit you want.

3 lbs apples (whatever you want/have, combinations work too)
1 lb  strawberries (replace with any fruit you like)
1 juice of lemon
1 T vanilla extract
2 T ground cinnamon
3 T agave nectar (any sweetner will work)
1/4 c water


Wash, peel, core and chop apples


Chop strawberries

Pour in juice of lemon, vanilla extract, cinnamon, agave nectar and water.

Cook over medium low heat until soft

If you like chuky applesauce you're done. If not, you can blend it smooth (I used an immersion blender).

You can eat the applesauce warm but I personally like mine ICY cold. To me it's extra delicious after being in the frig overnight.

Until next time............


We've Got Pics

So I found a way to get my pics off my camera!!!!!!!!!! So new posts will be up soon.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lost Camera Cord

So........I lost my camera cord. It's definitely in my house but we have one room that we have yet to fully organize from the move. I have a lot of stuff to post about my experiments, hopefully they'll be up soon. My latest experiment has been building a storage cabinet (we worked it on all last weekend). We're going to finish assembling it tonight and maybe I can get the last room organized (and find my cord) by this weekend.

Pray for me........