Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Kellan, Where Have You Been?

So I've been MIA for a while.......I apologize. Life has been a little hectic. I've had a great combination of moving and being sick. Now that I'm done moving, I have to sort through and organize all my crap. I JUST dug out the supplies that I needed to make liquid laundry soap and that's because I desperately needed to make some (more on that later).

I'm going to get better..... I promise. I have a few fun projects that I want to experiment with, including a new bag design. I have to dig out all my fabric and sewing machines first (yes I said machines), but I hope to have that done by the end of the week. I also will be buying/building (probably building) a craft table because my old one literally fell apart in the move.

I have a new favorite website, Ana White. If you've never been on her site, it's EXCELLENT, please go check it out. I'm currently deciding which table I'm going to build and will be working on that later this week.

Lots of exciting announcements will be made soon but right now I have more digging in boxes to do. New experiments coming soon!

Until next time,